Announcements & Events
Congratulations to us!
2020 - 2024

Some of our board members:
Bottom row from left - Silvana Berardo (President),
Cathy Vignale (Past President)
Top row from left - Marcella Clatworthy, Marisa Fusaro,
Phyllis Pizzolato (Past President), Anna Ranieri

Webinar - Free to ITANJ members in good standing. Presented by Maria Gloria Borsa, February 22nd. Details
Italian Language & Culture Day 2025 - March 20th 2025
Registration and payment due by February 16th!
Student Scholarships 2025 - ITANJ is again offering two $1,000.00 scholarship awards to a deserving high school student and a deserving college/university student. Please view the attached flyers and apply by March 15th.
The recommending instructor must be an ITANJ member in good standing.
For College/University Students
Announcing ITANJ's Fall Contest Winners. Theme: Giornata dello Sport Italiano nel Mondo. Congratulations to the participants and their hard-working teachers. Bravi tutti!
Category 1: Grades 5 to 8 ( Entries in English)
First place: Robert Peluso, “Italian Culture in Ice Hockey”
Central Middle School, teacher: Alessia Ricciulli (prize $75.00)
Second place: Holly Goldberg “Alice Damato, Italian Gymnast”
Brooklawn Middle School, teacher: Margherita Coscia (prize $50.00)
Third place: Aamani Modi, “Olimpiadi di Parigi”
Brooklawn Middle School, teacher: Margherita Coscia (prize $25.00)
Category 2: Grades 9 to 12 (Entries in English)
All three students are from Notre Dame High School, teacher: Elena Grianti-Schecter
First place: Daniela Rossi, “Sports Culture in Italy” (prize $75.00)
Second place: Adriana Burzachiello, “Thomas Ceccon Italy's Rising Star” (prize $50.00)
Third place: Katie Brown, “Atletica Italiana” (prize $25.00)
Category 3: Grades 9 to 12 (Entries in Italian)
First Place: Aponte-Huerta Michelle, Connelly Eliza, Connors Kristen, Freeman Maya, Giano Gabriella, Guly Zoe, Lynch Cecilia, Paz Richard, Pia Sophia, Ruland Karlie, Victor Cassidy, Wheeler Riley, “Buongiorno Italia e gli atleti Italiani” Red Bank Regional High School, teacher: Federica Proietti-Cesaretti (prize $75.00)
Second Place: Luigi Barricelli, “Formula 1”
Notre Dame High School, teacher: Elena Grianti-Schecter (prize $50.00)
Third Place: Simeon Salins, “Lamont Marcel Jacobs-fastest man on Earth”
Notre Dame High School, teacher: Georgia Saverese-Ahearn (prize $25.00)
ITANJ Borse di Studio 2024 Winners
Congratulations to this year's Borsa winners and their instructors!
Maria Barragan from Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island.
Instructor, Prof. Norman Rusin. Photo
Daniela Jaranjeiro from Middletown North High School, Middletown, New Jersey. Instructor, Julia Fielding. Photo
2024 Italian Language & Culture Day Competition Winners
Auguri a tutti gli studenti e ai loro prof! View Photo Gallery
High School Level
1st Place: Saint Peter's Prep, Jersey City, NJ
Teacher: Rosalie Romano
2nd place: E.H.S., Frank J. Cicarell Academy, Elizabeth, NJ
Teacher: Guido Morsella
3rd place: Red Bank Regional H.S., Red Bank, NJ
Teacher: Amy Eagleton
Middle School Level
1st Place: Manalapan-Englishtown MS
Teacher: Linda Schiano
2nd Place William R Satz MS (Holmdel)
Teacher: Lisa Biccari
Brooklawn MS ( Parsippany)
Teacher: Margherita Coscia
Student Choice Superlative Awards:
Most Entertaining
HS: Saint Peter's Prep
MS: Central MS
Best Pronunciation
HS: Frank J. Cicarell Academy
MS: Brooklawn MS
Best Props & Costumes
HS: Frank J. Cicarell Academy
MS: Brooklawn MS
Most Creative & Original
HS: St. Peter's Prep
MS: Manalapan/Englishtown M.S.
Connecting Food and Culture - Contest Winners Congratulations to all the participants and their teachers!
Middle School Winners:
First place: (prize $75.00)
Gloria Harmon, Brooklawn MS, Parsippany. Teacher - Margherita Coscia
Second place: (prize $50.00)
Victoria Yachera & Olivia Dean, Central MS, Parsippany. Teacher - Alessia Ricciulli
Third place: (prize $25.00)
Christina Sayle, Brooklawn MS, Parsippany. Teacher - Margherita Coscia
High School Winners:
First Place: (prize $75.00)
Kara Lushbaugh & Delanie Meszaro, Notre Dame HS, Lawrenceville. Teacher- Georgia Saverese-Ahearn